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You Can Make a Difference


Becoming a Partner

Partner with Leuven Boomt! We welcome all kinds of organizations - youth movements, sports clubs, music schools, dance centers, and more - to join us in our cause. 

Green Valley
Anchor 1
Green Forest

Collecting Funds

Participating associations have the freedom to choose from various methods to collect funds, including online donations, piggy banks, and other methods. You can select the option that best suits your specific needs and capabilities. It's important to note that the extra euro added to the registration fee is non-binding and per payment.


Once the registrations are completed, you transfer half of the amount collected for Leuven Boomt to the gift account of BOS+ Vlaanderen at BE57 7310 0909 4935, and the other half to the gift account of BOS+ Tropen at  BE57 7330 1918 7135.

Don't forget to report the total amount to!

Green Hills

Highlighting our Partners

Participating associations will be listed on the Leuven Boomt website, and the total amount per working year will be communicated.

Practical Tips 

Collecting the money can be organized by each participating association. For one, online will work best (as part of the automatic registration), for the other it will be a piggy bank at the counter or bar, or some other way.


Donating Extra

If you wish to donate more than the amount requested by participating associations, you can do so by directly donating to BOS+


Thanks for submitting!

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